5 research outputs found

    Associations of the 24-h activity rhythm and sleep with cognition: A population-based study of middle-aged and elderly persons

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    Background: Cognitive functioning changes with age, sleep, and the circadian rhythm. We investigated whether these factors are independently associated with different cognitive domains assessed in middle-aged and elderly persons. Methods: In 1723 middle-aged and elderly persons (age 62 ± 9.4 years, mean ± standard deviation, SD) of the Rotterdam Study, we collected actigraphy recordings of on average 138 h. Actigraphy was used to quantify 24-h rhythms by calculating the stability of the rhythm over days and the fragmentation of the rhythm. Sleep parameters including total sleep time, sleep-onset latency, and wake after sleep onset were also estimated from actigraphy. Cognitive functioning was assessed with the word learning test (WLT), word fluency test (WFT), letter digit substitution task (LDST), and Stroop color word test (Stroop). Results: Persons with less stable 24-h rhythms performed worse on the LDST (. B = 0.42 per SD increase, p = 0.004) and the Stroop interference trial (. B = -1.04 per SD increase, p = 0.003) after full adjustment. Similarly, persons with more fragmented rhythms performed worse on the LDST (. B = -0.47 per SD increase, p = 0.002) and the Stroop (.

    Sleep and 24-h activity rhythms in relation to cortisol change after a very low-dose of dexamethasone

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    The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis plays an important role in sleep. Nevertheless, the association of sleep and its 24-h organization with negative feedback control of the HPA axis has received limited attention in population-based studies. We explored this association in 493 mid

    Associations of sleep with psychological problems and well-being in adolescence: causality or common genetic predispositions?

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    Background: Whereas short and problematic sleep are associated with psychological problems in adolescence, causality remains to be elucidated. This study therefore utilized the discordant monozygotic cotwin design and cross-lagged models to investigate how short and problematic sleep affect psychological functioning. Methods: Adolescent twins (N = 12,803, 13–20 years, 42% male) completed questionnaires on sleep and psychological functioning repeatedly over a two-year interval. Monozygotic twin pairs were classified as concordant or discordant for sleep duration and trouble sleeping. Resulting subgroups were compared regarding internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and subjective well-being. Results: Cross-sectional analyses indicated associations of worse psychological functioning with both short sleep and problematic sleep, and cross-lagged models indicate bidirectional associations. Longitudinal analyses showed that an increase in sleep problems experienced selectively by one individual of an identical twin pair was accompanied by an increase of 52% in internalizing problem scores and 25% in externalizing problem scores. These changes were significantly different from the within-subject changes in cotwins with unchanged sleep quality (respectively, 3% increase and 5% decrease). Psychological functioning did, however, not worsen with decreasing sleep duration. Conclusions: The findings suggest that sleep quality, rather than sleep duration, should be the primary target for prevention and intervention, with possible effect on psychological functioning in adolescents

    ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries

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    This review summarizes the last decade of work by the ENIGMA (Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta Analysis) Consortium, a global alliance of over 1400 scientists across 43 countries, studying the human brain in health and disease. Building on large-scale genetic studies that discovered the first robustly replicated genetic loci associated with brain metrics, ENIGMA has diversified into over 50 working groups (WGs), pooling worldwide data and expertise to answer fundamental questions in neuroscience, psychiatry, neurology, and genetics. Most ENIGMA WGs focus on specific psychiatric and neurological conditions, other WGs study normal variation due to sex and gender differences, or development and aging; still other WGs develop methodological pipelines and tools to facilitate harmonized analyses of "big data" (i.e., genetic and epigenetic data, multimodal MRI, and electroencephalography data). These international efforts have yielded the largest neuroimaging studies to date in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. More recent ENIGMA WGs have formed to study anxiety disorders, suicidal thoughts and behavior, sleep and insomnia, eating disorders, irritability, brain injury, antisocial personality and conduct disorder, and dissociative identity disorder. Here, we summarize the first decade of ENIGMA's activities and ongoing projects, and describe the successes and challenges encountered along the way. We highlight the advantages of collaborative large-scale coordinated data analyses for testing reproducibility and robustness of findings, offering the opportunity to identify brain systems involved in clinical syndromes across diverse samples and associated genetic, environmental, demographic, cognitive, and psychosocial factors

    Is an irritable ADHD profile traceable using personality dimensions? Replicability, stability, and predictive value over time of data-driven profiles.

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    Pediatric attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a heterogeneous condition. In particular, children with ADHD display varying profiles of dispositional traits, as assessed through temperament and personality questionnaires. Previous data-driven community detection analyses based on temperament dimensions identified an irritable profile of patients with ADHD, uniquely characterized by elevated emotional dysregulation symptoms. Belonging to this profile increased the risk of developing comorbid disorders. Here, we investigated whether we could replicate this profile in a sample of 178 children with ADHD, using community detection based on personality dimensions. Stability of the identified profiles, of individual classifications, and clinical prediction were longitudinally assessed over a 1-year interval. Three personality profiles were detected: The first two profiles had high levels of neuroticism, with the first displaying higher ADHD severity and lower openness to experience (profile 1; N = 38), and the second lower agreeableness (profile 2; N = 73). The third profile displayed scores closer to the normative range on all five factors (profile 3; N = 67). The identified profiles did only partially replicate the temperament-based profiles previously reported, as higher levels of neuroticism were found in two of the three detected profiles. Nonetheless, despite changes in individual classifications, the profiles themselves were highly stable over time and of clinical predictive value. Whereas children belonging to profiles 1 and 2 benefited from starting medication, children in profile 3 did not. Hence, belonging to an emotionally dysregulated profile at baseline predicted the effect of medication at follow-up over and above initial ADHD symptom severity. This finding suggests that personality profiles could play a role in predicting treatment response in ADHD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe